Sunday, May 13, 2007

End of School

We are coming to the close of another school year. Among Steven's accomplishments, we can't ignore the fact that Caleb and Isabel will be moving forward as well. Caleb will finish Kindergarten and Isabel will finish 4-year pre-K. Homeschooling this year has had it's definate challenges, but well worth it. I feel that it has brought us closer together, and I needed this time with them this year before our big move and sending them to school. I know home-schooling is not for everyone, and I sympathize with anyone having a difficult time with it. I also know that if that is what God has called you to do, He will give you the strength you need. We will have a program for the home-school children on campus on May 21st to recognize them and their hard work.

We have started packing! Boxes will soon be everywhere. This is a sad time in our lives. Hurricane Katrina made us leave seminary the first time, and no one had the proper good-byes, but this time we get to hug our friends and wish them well on their journies as well. There are a few families leaving this summer, and I'm sure there will be other families coming to take our place. So is life on seminary campus! It brings mixed emotions in us. Sadness and joy at the same time.

Thank you all for your prayers.

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